Sir C.R.Reddy College of Pharmaceutical Sciences



The prime objective of the Learning Resource Centre is to provide information services and access to bibliographic, full-text digital and printed resources to support the informational need of the institution in an appropriate and comfortable environment.

The library of Sir C. R. Reddy College of Pharmaceutical Sciences is functioning in a physical area of about 3000 square feet including reading area of about 2600 square feet. The library has reading capacity of about 60 members.

Library is automated by using integrated management system included in Enterprise resource planning software- “College Management Software”. It has the facilities for issue, return of books and maintaining record of books, which is used by students & faculty.

The books are arranged subject wise in iron racks and the racks are labeled with name of subject to guide the users. There are a total of 3987 books including reference books, text books and ‘book bank’ books which include significant titles related to the field of pharmacy. The total number of journals including national and international are about 15 and the library also has subscription for local newspapers.

 The Library comprises of 7 sections namely lending, reading, reference, book bank, journal section, digital library section and Stack Area. Also the UG and PG project books are also maintained in a separate area within the library for reference purpose.

Library Facilities

  • Library is fully automated and provided to search for information through Author, Subject, Title, ISBN, Keywords, etc., to know the status or availability of the book and checking user holdings, request for reservations, etc.,
  • Library also provided with 14 computers to access the e-resources.
  • Library is equipped with LAN connectivity to access e-resources
  • Library provides facility of in-house and remote access to the e-resources for the benefit of students and faculty.
  • Library of Sir C. R. Reddy college of Pharmaceutical sciences has subscription for E-sources – Knimbus containing E-books – 99487 and E-journals – 44826.
  • Students also have access to NDLI E-resource through NDLI club of Sir C. R. Reddy College of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
  • Updated list of e-Resources/Digital resources/Databases are made available.
  • Around 50 to 100 books are added each year based up on the requirement under various titles for the benefit of the undergraduate and post graduate students.
  • Photocopying facility
  • National and international Journals Archive facility


In addition to the above services and facilities, CCTV Cameras are also installed in the library to maintain and monitor student’s activity in the library

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